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I like to have a side project and this often takes the form of a blog.

Here's what i've been up to for the past few years.


In 2019 I embarked on a project I set for myself called ‘The F---it List’ (I’ll let you fill in the blanks, it rhymes with bucket!) For 365 days I will be doing something new every day and blogging about it.


Why reserve bucketlists for when you know you're dying. LIVE NOW, to the full, you can stretch your horizons in your lunch hour.  


The aim is to not only raise awareness of Parkinson's but to prove that no matter who you are and what else you have going on in your life you can have adventures and invest in yourself.


In 2018 I video blogged every day for 365 days to show what it's like to live with Parkinson's. I interviewed people who have been involved with my story so far and aimed to show that life goes on after diagnosis. 

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